EXPLODING Freedom Central City

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EFCC (EXPLODING Freedom Central City) is a large megalopolis city-state type establishment run by the EFCC Government. This city has the strongest economy in the world and is the number 1 best place to live in.

EFCC's History

EFCC was founded in the 1600s by English settlers that were looking for a new community that would be free of British rule by the King. EFCC was originally a small farming community. As time progressed the community soon expanded and the small village started to become more of a town. In the early 1800s, the railroad arrived to the city. With the early railroads, EFCC became more industrial and less rural. As steam powered machinery developed, the city soon had factories springing up everywhere. People moved from the farms to the main city areas to get jobs in the factories making things from locomotives to clothes. As time progressed into the early 1900s, EFCC soon started to obtain imported automobiles from places such as Detroit, Michigan, and the dirt roads were soon covered with cobblestone to make way for the new cars. When World War One broke out, EFCC began manufacturing war materials for the United States, and vehicles for use in the war. Into the 1920s, EFCC soon started building it's first airport. By 1925, EFCC had at least one commercial airport for flights to nearby locations, such as New York City. As EFCC entered the 1930s, the Art Deco styling became extremely popular, with the boring brick buildings, now replaced with beautiful works of art with motifs that show the Art Deco styles of the 30s. Along with these styles, EFCC also adopted the Streamliner, which is the streamlined train that is designed to be fast, and efficient travel. In the early 1940s, EFCC had it's part in World War Two, and the EFCC's military became much stronger than it was years before, due to the constant threat of Nazi Germany bombing it's major centers and seaports. After the war, EFCC lost lots of money, which was spent on fixing any damage caused by nighttime raids. When EFCC reached the 1950s, it saw an economic boom, and many people started shopping and the economy went up. As EFCC progressed into the 1960s, EFCC bought it's last set of new subway cars from the Budd Company. These are the R32 subway cars, also used in the NYC Subway, in New York City. EFCC did not buy new subway cars ever since, and these old cars are repaired every Sunday for use during the rest of the week. When the 1970s hit, EFCC started seeing the arrival of the computer. With the computer, many things such as banking got easier, and people can do things with ease. These computers also allow for new high-tech weapons for the military such as drones, and radio equipment. In 1972, the EFCC International Air Terminal opened up, thus making it the largest airport in the EFCC area. It also allows for international flights to other parts of the world.Into the 1980s, EFCC started to promote the use of the new revolutionary floppy disk, which allows for portable data storage, and useful for installers for programs. The EFCC International Air Terminal, was upgraded even more to sport a new second terminal, thus making it the biggest airport in the EFCC Tri-state area. The computer, also allowed for computing for business, and useful for efficient, paper-free database management for the police department. Also, the CFI Tower project plans were released, and it would not be built until the 2000s. Into the 1990s, EFCC bought 2 new Concorde Super-Sonic jetliners, and these planes were used for a short while, until their retirement in 2003. These planes are currently stored in an EFCC Air Force base. Also, in the 1990s, the CFI project started, and the tower would not be finished until 2008. Into the 2000s, EFCC suffered one of the worst incidents in it's history. One of the tallest buildings, the Woolworth Building, which was built in the 1910s was attacked, and a good portion of it was damaged. After several years of repair, it was fixed, and it was reopened to the public. Into 2014, EFCC began to replace older rolling stock on it's commuter railways with new faster Charger 2 Car Electric Multiple Units (EMUs). These trainsets allow for more comfortable, and quicker commutes to the city and back, and easier boarding for people with disabilities. Into 2016, EFCC became a superpower and one of the few countries with the most powerful military forces and the best economies in the world.

EFCC's Government

EFCC's government is a dictatorship with 1 supreme leader, but similar to the US government, with a congress, a cabinet, legislature, and a judicial branch, and other government bodies and branches found in the United States. People for the congress, legislature, and judicial branch are elected every two years. The EFCC President elects their cabinet members. EFCC's current supreme leader is Alco_RS11 The EFCC Government has full control over everything in the city, including transit, and many other aspects of the city. There has been many false claims of Hiram City claiming to own parts of the Government's companies and sub-parts. Usually, 100% of the time, this is a general lie, and is intended to just threaten the Government. The City's Capitol Building is located near Downtown EFCC, Courthouse located downtown, and the Congress building in the suburbs.


/\ EFCC's Official State Flag /\

EFCC Laws and Federal Orders

EFCC's laws are written on it's Constitution. EFCC has many laws in place, each designed to be as fair as possible, and EFCC's laws are enforced by local police departments, located throughout the state. EFCC's laws are written by the Supreme Leader, and Congress will vote on it, to see if it's a just or unjust law, and then changes will be made if necessary. EFCC's court system is in place to vote whether if someone broke a law in any matter, whether it's deliberate or if it happened due to the person trying to resolve some conflict in a lawful matter. EFCC has many prisons located throughout the country for people who broke federal offences. If the matter is severe, EFCC's Laws permit use of a death sentence ONLY in extreme cases.

EFCC's Finance/Economy

EFCC's banks provide EFCC with the money to keep it going, and the funds for the many projects that help improve lifestyle and welfare of it's citizens. EFCC has a Money Mint near one of it's 2 primary air force bases. Another method the city gets money is via taxes. With your Federal Taxes, you can help pay for the many projects that go on in the city, and support your community. EFCC uses the EFCC Dollar, and is cross-compatible with USD (US Dollar).

EFCC's Post and Mail Services

Like most countries, EFCC runs it's own Government-Funded Postal service, that is capable of shipping international, and local postage. This service runs under the EFCC Post Service brand, and is a trademark and is run by EFCC Government employees for the mail service. The service does not serve some countries/cities. An example of an excluded city is Hiram City, due to the incompatibilities with EFCC Postage Stamps. EFCC has several post offices located throughout the city.

EFCC Post.png

/\ EFCC's Official Post Service Logo /\

EFCC's Transportation

EFCC has a network of interstate highways, and many roadways throughout the city to help you get from Point A to Point B. EFCC also has an extensive network of subway lines that provide quick access to many places downtown, with lines that go out to the suburbs. EFCC's InterCity Rail provides quick access to other places outside of EFCC such as Hiram City or Pig City. EFCC also sports a Commuter Line that allows people to commute to nearby towns and cities inside EFCC's borders, and this line terminates at EFCC's Pennsylvania Station, located in downtown EFCC. EFCC's bus lines carry people to any designated areas. Just tell the driver where you want to go, and you will be dropped off there. EFCC buses also stop at designated stops throughout the city. Along with city transit buses, EFCC also has intercity buses that travel along the interstates and bring people to other cities. For quick travel, EFCC's extensive taxi network provides a cheap and fast way to get around when you need to get somewhere quick, and with E-Z Car Auto Rentals, you can rent a car, especially if you are a tourist and you need a car. Transport in EFCC is run by the EFCC Department Of Transportation (EFCCDoT). Highways are controlled by the EFCC Highway Commission, which is part of the EFCCDoT.


/\ AMD Transit, EFCCT's light rail line's logo /\


/\ EFCC Transit's Logo. Universal logo for the entire system /\


/\ E-Z Car Rental's Logo. This is the premier company for car rentals in EFCC /\


/\ EFCCT's complete Passenger Transit map. Shows subway and InterCity lines that go into and out of EFCC. /\

EFCC's Education

EFCC has many public schools that cater to every student seeking reliable, and lasting education. EFCC also sports 1 major university and 1 community college for anyone seeking a degree or undergraduate degree.

EFCC's Businesses and Corporations

EFCC is home to many businesses and mega-corporations. Many of the biggest businesses are holding-companies of the EFCC Government, and the Government has a 20% market share in these companies. EFCC's Government also runs the many transit systems in the city, but many of these companies run under their own brand names, so there is some diversity in the transit system, but these companies are still owned by the EFCCT.

EFCC's Dining and Food Services

EFCC is home to many fine restaurants located throughout the city. EFCC has many grocery stores and fast food chains for quick food. Along with fast food chains, EFCC's home to many fine restaurants and also home to a handful of bars and pubs for anyone 21 and over.

EFCC Medical Services

To ensure the well-being and health of EFCC's residents, EFCC has many large hospitals that cater to major surgeries, trauma and other serious medical issues. The EFCC Medical System is one of the best in the world, and with EFCC's top doctors, EFCC has some of the lowest disease rates in the world. For minor medical related things, EFCC is also home to a number of urgent-care and specialty doctors that cater to any medical needs. For medicine, EFCC has many pharmacies, where you can stop and buy any over-the-counter medicine for household use.

EFCC's Media and Entertainment

EFCC is like every other major city. It has a newspaper, The EFCC Times, and EFCC broadcasts it's news also via it's many radio and television stations that are stationed throughout the city. EFCC also puts it's news on the Government website, and updates the news daily, and it also tells the weather. EFCC's also a major center for entertainment, due to the fact it has many museums, many parks, a baseball stadium, a library and it also has a large Convention Center for major events and showcases.

EFCC's Weather and Climate

EFCC's climate is usually mild. In the summertime, the temperatures are usually (at the highest), around 108 degrees Fahrenheit, and during the winter, the temperatures are in the 30s. EFCC's weather is usually sunny, with rain every few days or so. EFCC has a reputation for pleasant weather and EFCC suffers from only a few major storms a year.

EFCC's Defense and Military

EFCC has one of the strongest armed forces in the world. EFCC has multiple branches in it's armed forces and some of these include:

- Army

- Navy

- Marines

- Coast Guard

- Air Force

EFCC's Air Force is the strongest of it's 5 branches of the military. EFCC's Armed Forces have a total of over 200 planes, and 2 high-tech aircraft carriers, a handful of destroyers, and 1 Battleship, the USS Arizona. EFCC also has 3 nuclear warheads in storage, ready to be used encase of an emergency. EFCC has 2 Air Force bases, 1 naval base, and 2 army bases, each ready to be used at any moment's notice. EFCC's Commander in Chief is Jayscoob.

EFCC's Allies and Enemies

EFCC has many allies, and a few enemies. Some of which include the following:


- Pig City

- Canton

- The US

- Awatto

Neutral Nations:

- HL (Usually neutral, government tends to get outraged and threatens EFCC, but most of the time, it's stable.)


- Sometimes HC, if they plan to attack EFCC.